A sanctuary for farmed animals

Learn about and care for farmed animals on their terms

Farmed animals are like all animals

Have you ever wondered…

  • Why do we love dogs but eat pigs?

  • What does “certified humane” actually mean?

  • Are our purchases supporting unethical practices?

Farmed animals are just as intelligent, emotional, and feeling as our pets and the wild animals we love. However, most of us are taught to treat them differently, more like objects than individuals. As a result, farmed animals are currently the most exploited and abused animals on the planet. 


Get to know farmed animals

We recently purchased six acres of land in Gig Harbor, WA and are in the process of transforming them into a sanctuary for farmed animals who have experienced abuse or exploitation. This will be a place where they can live long, safe, and happy lives, and where we can:

  • Get to know and spend time with farmed animals

  • Understand how our daily choices affect farming practices

  • Align our actions with our values

Ultimately, we all want farmed animals to live happy lives (regardless of whether we're vegan or omnivore), and we all want our actions to align with our values. Both are possible.